● Globally the market for the sexual exploitation of children stands at around $36B US, involving over 2 million children, and is growing at an estimated 20% per year.
● In Indonesia, there are 40,000 to 70,000 child victims of sexual exploitation throughout Indonesia.
● In the Philippines 60,000 girls under 18 are exploited through prostitution nationwide.
● In Thailand 40% of people involved in prostitution are below 18 years of age with 60,000 of those being children.
● In Cambodia 313,000 children are trapped in the worst forms of exploitation such as drug trafficking and prostitution. 30-35 % of prostitution involve children and 80% of interviewed street children found to be involved in street-based sexual exploitation were male
● Before the recent Travel Ban legislation, an average of 25 Australian Registered Child Sex Offender’s (RCSO) entered Bali per month, and more than 250 Australian RCSO’s travelled to the Philippines in 2015.
● The number of paedophiles travelling to these countries who have not been caught or have not yet offended is not known.