The Perspective – Television interview (English), Jakarta Globe News Channel, Indonesia
One of the most disturbing coffee breaks of my life: Halting ‘child rape’ holidays in Asia, 9 News Australia
Who is She? Human Headline: The Official Derryn Hinch Website, Australia
Australian man found guilty of paedophile crimes in Bali ,, Australia
Heart of darkness: The battle to combat paedophilia in Bali, Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
Australian paedophile Robert Ellis sentenced to 15 years’ jail in Bali, Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
Carrum Downs father Glen Hulley fights to bring down paedophile rings overseas, Herald Sun, Australia
August 2016, ‘It’s not enough to just rescue victims’: The Australian taking on southeast Asia’s paedophile rings,, Australia
Gate 7 backing “Project Karma”, ETB Travel News, International
Project Karma founder calls for child sex offender passport bans, 2CCTalking Canberra 1206 Radio, Australia